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In St. Louis, we focus on Command and Control, which involves assisting ground force commanders in control of regional airspace while directing joint service aircraft in the planning, requesting, coordinating and controlling close air operations, intelligence gathering and airlift. Additional missions include Civil Engineering (S-Team) and Combat Communications.
The 157th Air Operations Group is located at Historic Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, MO. The mission of the 157th Air Operations Group is to prepare and provide a trained cadre of Airmen skilled in operational level command and control as a PACAF gained unit, and as a ready force to support the State of Missouri, employing across the full spectrum of crisis and conflict.
The 231st Civil Engineering Flight operates out of Jefferson Barracks Air Guard Station. Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the mission of the 231st Civil Engineering Flight includes the Civil Engineering mission.
The 239th Combat Communications Squadron operates out of Jefferson Barracks Air Guard Station. Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the mission of the 239th Combat Communications Squadron includes the Combat Communications mission.