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In New London, we perform the Air Support Operations mission, which involves providing critical meteorological services for planning, requesting, coordinating and controlling air support to ground operations. Additional missions include Tactical Air Control Party (TACP), Combat Communications, Air Traffic Control, and Weather.
The 263rd Combat Communications Squadron operates out of New London Air National Guard Base. Their mission is to deploy, operate, and maintain strategic emergency communications anywhere in the world in both peacetime and combat environments.
The mission of the 118th Air Support Operations Squadron is to advise Army Ground Commanders on the safe, efficient integration of airpower into the overall scheme of battle. Assist them in synchronizing airpower into the specific tactical situation that they are facing and provide them with terminal attack control of joint close air support missions. Through the triad of advise, assist and control the 118th Air Support Operations Squadron provides Army Commanders with the ability to dominate the battlefield through the might and flexibility of airpower.
The 235th Air Traffic Squadron operates out of New London Air National Guard Base.Located in New London, North Carolina, the mission of the 235th Air Traffic Squadron includes the Air Traffic Control mission.