Talk with a RecruiterVisit the the Recruiting Office to speak directly with a Recruiter.They can answer your questions, tell you more about life in the ANG, or help you join.
Our primary mission at Eilson Air Force Base, located in Fairbanks is Air Refueling. This mission provides in-flight refueling to all US Armed Forces and allied nations' aircraft extending their flying range with the capability of transporting cargo, personnel and medevac operations.
The 168th Wing (WG) exemplifies the spirit of Total Force teamwork providing Air Force capabilities of global reach and vigilance through the combined operations of Air Refueling, and Missile Warning and Space Surveillance. We maintain a constant watch for Pacific Air Forces, Northern Command and Air Force Space Command. 168 WG members support operational plans and tasking's worldwide while maintaining a ready force for the Governor of the State of Alaska for state and local emergencies.